Overview of the Parish Vision and Mission

Why do we exist? (Parish Vision)

Our parish here in Lake Ridge exists to make disciples of all parishioners and others within the parish boundaries to assist them on their journey to Heaven.

How do we behave?

We behave prayerfully, purposefully, and personally.

What do we do?

Here at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, we provide a wide variety of opportunities for all parishioners to encounter the Lord and grow in their Catholic Christian identity rooted in Him.

How will we succeed?

We will accompany every parishioner in the stages of conversion and discipleship by forming and equipping, and supporting leaders who intentionally model the path of accompaniment.

Who Does What

We will accompany every parishioner in the stages of conversion and discipleship by forming and equipping leaders who intentionally model the path of accompaniment.

View and Download the Parish Playbook Here

Parish Playbook

Clear Path & Stages of Discipleship

Who We Work With (Partnerships and Consultants)

More Information Coming Soon!

© 2025 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton | Lake Ridge, VA