The Sacristan, under the general direction of the Pastor, undertakes the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations, including all that is needed for special days such as Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday.
He/She arranges the books needed for the celebration, lays out the vestments and anything else needed for the celebration, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, processional crosses, candles and torches. He/She also ensures a ready supply of fresh hosts, duly authorized wine, sufficient purificators, corporals, hand towels, incense and coals necessary for worship. The pastor may also entrust other responsibilities which include coordinating with others who help with the general decor of the church and who arrange the flowers.
In order to carry out these duties, the sacristan needs to have a fairly good idea of the content and norms of the principal liturgical books and an understanding of the intricacies of the liturgical calendar.
Rev. Brian Bashista | Pastor
(703) 494-4008