About Our Food Pantry: The Mother Seton Food Pantry was established in February 2019 to support parishioners who were struggling financially as a result of the partial government shutdown. A few months later, services were expanded to include families experiencing food insufficiency in the surrounding community and remain in operation today. The pantry stocks nourishing non-perishable foods. Elderly parishioners or those who are ill and in need of groceries may call to inquire about having groceries delivered to their homes.
Stephanie Hanley
Food Pantry Coordinator Send Email
Betty Maher
Director of Human Concerns Outreach Send Email | (703) 494-4008 ext. 105
Hours of Operation
Thursdays | 12-2 p.m.
(or other times by appointment only)

What We Collect (no glass please)
- Flour (small bag)
- Sugar (small bag)
- Cooking Oil
- Shelf Sustainable Milk (liquid preferred)
- Oatmeal Packets (small box)
- Bath Soap (bars only)
- Black Beans (canned 14.5 oz or dried 1 lb bag)
- Peanut Butter
- Jelly (plastic bottle)
- White Rice (1 or 2 lb bag)
- Canned Potatoes
- Canned Green Beans (14.5 oz.)
- Canned Whole Corn(14.5 oz.)
- Canned Diced Tomatoes (14.5 oz.)
- Canned Fruit (14.5 oz.)
- Canned Tuna, Chicken and/or Ham
- Cereal (healthier is better)
- Pasta (1 lb box)
- Tomato Pasta Sauce (plastic jar)
For additional information regarding the services of the Mother Seton Food Pantry, please contact the Mother Seton Food Pantry Coordinator.
Please Remember
We are a small pantry so we only have room for items on our list. You may place your donations in the labeled bins in the Fellowship Hall anytime the church building is open.
Kindly check the dates and don’t leave expired food.
Thank you so very much for helping our neighbors in need!