Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age
(Matthew 28:19-20)

Overview of the Parish Leader HUB

Parish leaders are individuals in our parish community, paid or volunteer, who have a significant impact and key role in executing our parish vision as laid out in our Parish Playbook. This leader HUB is meant to be a static location for all of the major resources that a parish leader may need to fulfill their responsibilities as a leader of a ministry and/or personal apostolate.

All parish leaders are to be formed, trained, and equipped to incorporate the Path of Accompaniment into their ministry and/or their apostolate. The Path of Accompaniment gives a clear direction for how an individual can walk alongside a person within our parish community as they journey through the Stages of Conversion and Discipleship.

The resources below are tools that should be referenced in your ministry.

Parish Playbook

Steps to getting your events and programs up and running!

1. Get it approved by Fr. Bashista and finalize dates through Kara Lilly and Kris Fischer.
2. Schedule, reserve spaces, and communicate facility needs with Christine O’Hearn.
3. Discuss financial needs and safety/security requests with Robert Yates.
4. Discuss and strategize a communications plan with Katya de Leon.

Main Events Calendar

Important Forms

The Communications Submission Form is to be used if you are planning an upcoming event and need a promotional campaign through the bulletin or website! This includes bulletin announcements, insert/flyer requests, pulpit announcements, and more. Fill out the form below and for further inquiries, please contact communications@setonlakeridge.org.

The e-Newsletter Submission Form is to be used for photo, text, and/or testimony submission to be included in our monthly newsletter! See the form below for more information.

Coming Soon

Updated room names, operational/instructional forms and documents, formational resources and more!

© 2024 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton | Lake Ridge, VA