Christa Owen
Jim Davis Send Email
7:00 pm – Rosary
7:30 pm – Prayer Meeting
Wednesday Evenings | 7:30pm – 9:00pm | Sts. Peter and Paul Rooms
If you seem to have stopped growing spiritually – or just feel like you want more of the Lord in your life – come join us…..for intercessory prayer, Sacred Scripture sharing, Spirit-filled music, “Life in the Spirit” workshops, and teachings on timely aspects of the Christian life (with particular emphasis on how and when to use the extraordinary charismatic gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12).
Every Third Wedneday | 7:30pm – 8:30pm | in the Chapel
Our Mother of Joy Prayer Group will be available for anyone seeking confidential, intercessory prayer for physical, emotional, spiritual, or relationship healing.