This weekend (Oct 23/24):
1. Rosary Collection – help us stock foreign missions with much needed rosaries. Bring your new or very gently used rosary donations and place them in the marked bin in the Narthex. We will send them to Our Lady’s Rosary Makers for shipment to Catholic missions around the world!
2. Pancake Breakfast is back! Join the Knights of Columbus for pancakes are the 7:30am, 9:00am, and 10:45am Masses on Sunday (Oct 24).
3. K of C Annual Food for the Needy Collection: Pick up an envelope for your donation in the Narthex after all Masses this weekend.
4. Missed all the Capital Campaign Socials? Then stop by Fellowship Hall this weekend after any Mass to pick up your Personal Campaign Packet!
Posted On: October 21, 2021 12:00 pm