SEAS is starting a food pantry to assist fellow parishioners* who are experiencing financial difficulties due to a variety of reasons; partial Government Shutdown, Loss of a job, medical hardships, etc. Suggested items needed include non-perishable food (dry and canned goods), baby items (formula, diapers, wipes), pet food, and personal hygiene items. We are also in need of grocery store gift cards and gas cards. For those wishing to make monetary donations, checks made payable to SEAS, with Food Pantry written on the Memo Line, will be greatly appreciated.
Place food and baby items in the marked bin outside of the parish office. Gift cards and checks can be dropped off at the parish office.
Bags for food donations will be distributed after all Masses this weekend, January 26th/27th. For additional information, contact Betty Maher, Human Concerns Outreach Coordinator at 793.494.4008, ext. 145 or
*Due to limited resources and storage space, at this time SEAS food Pantry assistance is reserved for registered parishioners only. Others in need will be referred to the PWC Coordinated Entry Assistance Program that receives monthly contributions from our Parish Operating Funds.