The Respect Life Ministry embraces the task of restoring respect for all human life from the moment of conception until natural death. Prayer and a deeper relationship with our Lord for ourselves and others is at the heart of all we do. Join us at our events, fundraisers, and volunteer opportunities to show your commitment to the sanctity of life and the dignity of every human person.
We invite you to get involved with the Respect Life Ministry! Click the Contact Rectangle Above to send us an email!
Betty Maher
Director of Human Concerns
Send Email | (703) 494-4008 ext. 105
Additional Respect Life Resources
Choose Life License Plates
Be Not Afraid is an online outreach to parents who have received a poor or difficult prenatal diagnosis. The family stories, articles, and links within this site are presented as a resource for those who may have been asked to choose between terminating a pregnancy or continuing on despite the diagnosis.
Pregnant? Need Help? Contact Birthright – the local Birthright can be reached at (703) 583-1178.
Natural Family Planning is a unique form of fertility education. Specifically, NFP is the title for the moral, natural and healthy, modern and scientifically reliable methods of family planning.
If you or anyone you know has been affected by abortion, please contact Project Rachel at (888) 456-HOPE.