The Sacramental Preparation Program for Penance is a 2-year program that begins in the 1st grade. The sacrament is generally received in the child’s 2nd grade year. At Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish we provide opportunities for parents to reflect upon their role as primary educators of their children. As the students prepare to receive the sacrament of Penance for the first time our aim is to make this a meaningful family experience. We are here to support parents and their children during this process
Jane Moreno
Coordinator of Liturgy and
Sacrament Preparation Send Email | (703) 494-4008 ext. 129
Rebecca Sobus
Director of Disciple Formation Send Email | (703) 494-4008 ext. 139
For the 2024-2025 Penance Program
Preparation for First Penance will begin with a Parent/ Student meeting that explores this amazing sacrament. During these meetings, we will review how to go to confession and how to prepare in advance by doing an examination of conscience. We will also have a tour of the confessionals. Children will meet other children in our parish who are receiving the sacrament. Parents will interact with other parents and review the topic of Penance to help them ensure their child is properly prepared for the sacrament.
Please see the schedule below for the official First Penance date. This is for those students participating in the sacrament for the first time. However, parents are highly encouraged to have others in the family partake of this sacrament on the same day. ** The meetings are mandatory for both the child and at least one parent; but of course, both parents are welcome! **
First Penance Requirements
- Those preparing for the Sacrament of First Penance should attend Mass regularly as well as an approved Faith Formation Small Group Session.
- Parents must review the Penance and First Communion Schedule and attend all mandatory meetings. Children should be accompanied by at least one parent or guardian for both meetings.
- Please provide the Family Faith Formation Office with a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate.
For more information and details on dress code and other important dates, please see our FULL First Penance Policies
Fees Include:
Show MorePenance and First Communion Fees Include:
– Sacrament preparation materials for the students to use before and after the sacraments of Penance and First Communion.
– Materials for 4 meetings with children and parents
– Certificates for both sacraments (Penance and First Communion)
– Flowers and cantors for both sacraments
– Stipends for 5 priests for Penance
– A reception and photographer for First Communion
Please contact our office if you cannot afford this fee.