Every Sunday during the 9:00am and 10:45am Mass | Nursery Room in Fellowship Hall
In order to further support a parent’s desire to hear the Word of God and fully participate in Mass, St Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church offers nursery services to families with children ages six months to five years. You can be assured that our volunteer team of adults and teens have a heart for the little members of our community and have also been trained in Protecting God’s Children (more information on Virtus Training can be found HERE). If you have questions about the Nursery Ministry, please contact Karen Lynch
Karen Lynch
Nursery Lead Volunteer nursery@setonlakeridge.org
Taking My Child to The Nursery
1. Prior to mass, take your child to the Nursery (our Nursery is located in the Fellowship Hall, to the right of the kitchen)
2. Sign him/her in
3. Place the nametag on your child and on their belongings
4. Be sure a nursery ministry volunteer knows that your child has arrived
Interested in Becoming a Volunteer?
If you are interested in volunteering as a volunteer for our Nursery, please complete the online registration found under this page’s announcements.
Please Note: A schedule is done for a 12-week period and mailed to all volunteers, who are routinely scheduled once every 4-6 weeks (if enough adults are available)