Mass intentions refer to the particular purpose for which a specific Mass is offered. This may be to honor God or thank him for blessings received. A Mass can be offered for the repose of the soul of family members, friends, or acquaintances who have died. Mass can also be offered for a Special Intention – for someone living who is sick, in Thanksgiving for something you have received, or in celebration of a special occasion, etc.

Just as we pray for others here on earth, we are encouraged by the Church to pray for souls who may be in purgatory. Since the Mass is the “source and summit” of the Christian Life, we naturally look to that Holy Sacrifice of Christ, containing the perfect prayer, to offer for our deceased relatives and friends who may still need the help of our prayers.

The most beautiful gift one can give to another person is a Spiritual Bouquet of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. No material gift can ever compare to or equal the infinite value of the Holy Mass.

To request a Mass Intention, please visit the parish office (located in the lower level of the church) and choose an available date. You will receive a card to send to the person, or family of the person, for whom the Mass is being offered. The suggested donation for a Mass intention is $10.00.


© 2025 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton | Lake Ridge, VA