Marina Owusu Send Email
What is an Altar Server?
Altar servers are young people (5th-12th grade) who assist the priest during Mass on weekends, Holy Days, and other special liturgies, but more than anything else, they are prayer leaders. When you serve directly at the altar, you are standing at the doorway to one of the greatest and most important experiences you can imagine; serving our Lord Jesus Christ at Holy Mass. As a young servant of the Lord, you’ll find yourself in liturgical processions and carrying the sacred vessels that contain the bread and wine that will become the very Body and Blood of Christ. You may also be asked to carry the processional cross or serve as a thurifer at special Masses or other liturgies.
As you discern and respond to God’s call to altar serving, you will not only assist the congregation in worship but also be able to grow spiritually in your faith as you gain more knowledge and skill.
Lastly, to the altar servers (current and discerning), although parents contribute greatly, ultimately it is up to you how far you progress. We thank you for your willingness to serve and our Parish is deeply grateful for your commitment at the altar. If you are looking for more information, we highly recommend looking through the Altar Server Manual for more in-depth answers about what an altar server is, the requirements to be one, their role and responsibility, their importance to the Holy Mass, and much more!
Ready to serve at the altar?
If you would like to be an altar server, please complete the online registration or send an email.
Please note that some of the requirements to become an Altar Server include having already received first holy communion, attend scheduled practices and meetings, and being able to 15 minutes prior to the scheduled Mass. Schedule accommodations are made for families with members in other ministries, for instance, Lectors, Ushers, and EMHC.