What is Lent? “Lent is a 40 day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday. It’s a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection at Easter. During Lent, we seek the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture; we serve by giving alms; and we practice self-control through fasting.” (What is Lent?). Lent is a season in the Church year for changing our hearts and drawing us closer to God. Prayer the is key. Below you will find several suggested resources (physical/digital), details about our 2024 Parish Lenten Mission, and our Parish Lenten Alms Giving.  Look through these and find one that fits you. (Click HERE to view Seton Lake Ridge’s Lent and Easter Schedule)

Our Parish’s Lenten Alms Giving (Visit our Lenten Alms Giving Page Here)

Digital and Physical Lenten Resources
Hallow App #PRAY40 Challenge

Deepen your prayer life this Lent with Hallow, a Catholic prayer and meditation app that helps us all find peace in God.
Visit the page here.

Word on Fire – Bishop Barron’s Daily Lenten Reflections

Dive deeper into the Scripture and meditate on succinct messages of the faith throughout the day with Bishop Barron’s daily Gospel reflections.

Best Lent Ever! (Dynamic Catholic)

Sign-up for Dynamic Catholic’s Best Lent Ever!
Each day of BEST LENT EVER, you’ll receive a short, FREE video from Matthew Kelly full of profound spiritual insight and intensely practical ways to apply the consecration to your life. Consecration means to dedicate yourself to God and make yourself 100 percent available to Him. With three simple daily steps, you can prepare your heart, mind, and soul for this powerful surrender.

Litany of Trust

“Are you looking to build your faith in Jesus? The Litany of Trust is a beautiful prayer that teaches detachment and delivers us from fear. In this video, Fr. Mark-Mary prays this litany with its composer, Sr. Faustina Maria Pia, SV, and her fellow Sister of Life, Sr. Marie Veritas, SV.” (media.ascensionpress.com)

Stations of the Cross Booklet

“The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross or Via Crucis, commemorate Jesus’s passion and death on the cross. There are 14 stations that each depict a moment on his journey to Calvary, usually through sacred art, prayers, and reflections. The practice began as pious pilgrims traced his path through Jerusalem on the Via Dolorosa. 
Later, for the many who wanted to pass along the same route, but could not make the trip to Jerusalem, a practice developed that eventually took the form of the fourteen stations currently found in almost every church throughout the world. Similarly, the 150 Hail Marys that were recited for the rosary were an adaptation of the medieval monastic practice of reciting the 150 psalms in the Psalter.” (usccb.org)

Litany of Humility

“The Litany of Humility is a series of petitions in which we ask Jesus to deliver us from the various desires and fears that hold us back from being humble and replace them with renewed desires focused on Him and others rather than ourselves.” (hallow.com)

© 2025 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton | Lake Ridge, VA