Each of Us Has a God-Given Dignity

Catholic Charities fulfills the Church and Diocese of Arlington’s mission of charity to anyone in need by providing compassionate, competent and professional services to strengthen and support individuals, families and communities based on the recognition of the value and dignity of human life.

Our Mission Statement

The mission of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the official teachings of the Roman Catholic faith. The Gospel proclaims and the Church teaches respect for the dignity and sanctity of human life, from the moment of conception through natural death, and the duty to serve the most vulnerable of God’s people. Therefore, Catholic Charities seeks to implement the Church’s mission of social justice in the Diocese of Arlington in ways that strengthen individuals, families, and communities.

Catholic Charities extends its services and resources to all in need;…

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The mission of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the official teachings of the Roman Catholic faith. The Gospel proclaims and the Church teaches respect for the dignity and sanctity of human life, from the moment of conception through natural death, and the duty to serve the most vulnerable of God’s people. Therefore, Catholic Charities seeks to implement the Church’s mission of social justice in the Diocese of Arlington in ways that strengthen individuals, families, and communities.

Catholic Charities extends its services and resources to all in need; convenes the Catholic community to fulfill the Church’s mission of social justice; and advocates for social justice and seeks to empower others to do the same. Aside from our Outreach Programs, the Human Concerns Ministry also oversees the parish’s Respect Life Committee and our parish’s affiliation with and support of the work of the VCC (Virginia Catholic Conference).

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Our Vision Statement

Effective fulfillment of the mission of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington requires a vision based on ways the Agency can respond effectively to the challenges of ever-changing economic, demographic, and social trends.

As the designated arm of the Arlington Diocese in fulfilling the Church’s social mission, Catholic Charities serves as the diocesan resource center. It fulfills this role by facilitating the response of the Catholic community to basic human needs, regardless of religious affiliation, and by collaborating with other agencies and organizations that share our goals. We strive to:…

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Effective fulfillment of the mission of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington requires a vision based on ways the Agency can respond effectively to the challenges of ever-changing economic, demographic, and social trends.

As the designated arm of the Arlington Diocese in fulfilling the Church’s social mission, Catholic Charities serves as the diocesan resource center. It fulfills this role by facilitating the response of the Catholic community to basic human needs, regardless of religious affiliation, and by collaborating with other agencies and organizations that share our goals. We strive to:

– Integrate the Agency’s activities with the mission of the Diocese, collaborate effectively with diocesan offices, and serve as a resource to parishes.

– Provide caring, professional, and quality services, including those that require specialized training, to families, individuals, and communities with needs not being met by the local community.

– Extend programs and services throughout the Diocese and increase collaboration with other agencies and organizations that share our mission and goals in order to better address unmet needs while avoiding duplication of services.

– Develop adequate funding and other resources to support the mission and implement the vision of Catholic Charities.

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Together, Transforming Lives

Diocese of Arlington parishes bring the sacraments and education about the presence of Christ to everyone in the community. Catholic Charities partners with these parishes to help them bring Christ’s transformative love to people in that same community or elsewhere in the Diocese – Catholic or not – who are suffering or experiencing homelessness, or health, financial, spiritual or familial problems.

Catholic Charities brings to parishes mental health counseling, English for Speakers of Other Language classes (ESOL), immigration and legalization workshops to help fellow parishioners and community members become permanent residents or earn their…

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Diocese of Arlington parishes bring the sacraments and education about the presence of Christ to everyone in the community. Catholic Charities partners with these parishes to help them bring Christ’s transformative love to people in that same community or elsewhere in the Diocese – Catholic or not – who are suffering or experiencing homelessness, or health, financial, spiritual or familial problems.

Catholic Charities brings to parishes mental health counseling, English for Speakers of Other Language classes (ESOL), immigration and legalization workshops to help fellow parishioners and community members become permanent residents or earn their American citizenship, and quarterly Parish Liaison Network meetings and training.

Catholic Charities also collaborates with parishes to address needs in the community. Parishioners who are medical doctors, nurses and other health professionals volunteer at the Mother of Mercy Free Health Clinic in Manassas. Parish volunteers serve meals to homeless individuals and families at Christ House in Old Town Alexandria or conduct food drives and distribute food for our St. Lucy Food Project. They welcome refugees new to this country.

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