“Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you. Amen.” 
(St. Thomas Aquinas)

Ministry Contact

Rebecca Sobus
Director of Disciple Formation
Send Email | (703) 494-4008 ext. 139

To better support the religious formation of our children and youth, and to more intentionally collaborate with parents in those efforts, we are introducing an exciting new approach to Family Faith Formation with the following new initiative. (Official schedules to be posted soon)

  • Our two sessions will now be held every other Sunday and families will have the opportunity to select a preferred Session Time. Session l (8:45am-10:15am) or Session ll (10:30am-12:00pm). Please see below for more details
  • ALL PARENTS K-12th Grade are going to join their children in “class’”, which will now be referred to as Small Groups.  Families will be better able to attend Sunday Mass together either before or after their Small Group Sessions on Sunday or attend the Vigil Mass at 5 pm on Saturday night.
  • For Grades 1-8, we will generally be using My Catholic Faith Delivered (Ignatius Press, Faith & Life Series) for parents to be the primary catechists of their children by engaging the material at home on-line TOGETHER prior to a discussion of the lesson that will take place during each Small Group Session.  Kindergarten and 9th-12th will utilize other materials and formats.
  • “Catechists” will now be referred to as Small Group Facilitators and have the option to advance with their Small Group each year as they progress through our program.
© 2025 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton | Lake Ridge, VA