Whether you are dating, recently engaged, newlyweds, or have been married for decades our Couples Ministry is dedicated to accompanying couples of all stages by providing resources, guidance, and opportunities for relationships to grow and thrive! From 6-week long Alpha Marriage sessions to weekend Couples Retreats, our goal is not only to help build stronger relationships with one another but with Christ as well. (If you are in need of immediate marriage assistance, please contact our Parish Office.)

Having a romantic Valentine’s Day date doesn’t have to cost much. Spend a romantic evening with your significant other learning something new while having fun together AT HOME with our Valentine’s Date Night Kit! Set some time aside to reconnect, laugh, and enjoy one another during this holiday focused on love. This will be available anytime throughout the month of February.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Take your love to new heights and rediscover the sacrament of Marriage with your spouse! Designed to reach couples across the spectrum – from happy and highly motivated to struggling and highly stressed, the Adventures in Marriage retreat aims to help couples better understand themselves and each other!
This retreat is open to couples of all ages and stages, so wherever you are in your marriage, come as you are. SPACE IS LIMITED, SO REGISTER NOW!

Couples Summer Date Night 2024
Event details coming soon!

Resources for Marriage Preparation, Marriage Enrichment, and Marriage Difficulties.