Dear Parishioners of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton:

We regret to inform you that Father Dort has recently tested positive with COVID-19.  Father has authorized us to release his name and share this information with you. First, we ask everyone to keep Father in your prayers.  I also want to share with you that I have been fully vaccinated and am feeling perfectly fine and continuing to follow all protocols and guidelines of the CDC, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Diocese of Arlington.

While COVID is serious, most people have mild illnesses and are able to recover at home[1].   Father Dort is taking steps in accordance with the CDC guidelines, “What To Do If You Are Sick.” [2].    As required, Father Dort will continue to self-isolate at the rectory for 10 days from the onset of his symptoms on August 19th.

We are notifying all persons who have been in “close contact” with Father Dort since August 17th and they are encouraged to self-quarantine and monitor for symptoms of COVID in accordance with CDC Guidelines, “What To Do If You Are Sick.” [3].  

Close contact is defined as being with someone infected at less than 6 feet for more than 15 minutes. 

If you were in close contact with Father (less than 6 feet for longer than 15 minutes), you are encouraged to self-quarantine and monitor for symptoms.  If you had incidental contact, you are encouraged to monitor symptoms like everyone should do during this pandemic. 

We conclude, by asking all of you to please pray to Our Lord and Our Lady for protection from the illness and a safe recovery for all those infected. 

May God bless us all,

Fr. Bashista


[2] Ibid.  

[3] Ibid

© 2025 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton | Lake Ridge, VA