The Music Ministry has 4 primary ways of participation:
Solo Cantor: Singers with an exceptional musical talent and the ability to strongly lead a congregation in sung prayer, lead the music at the Vigil or 12:30 PM Masses solo.
Praise Teams: Selected, consistent groups of musicians dedicated to leading music at either the 9AM Sunday Mass or the First Friday Holy Hour and healing service. Rehearsals are monthly at rotating times.
Traditional Choir: Singers with a love for traditional hymnody and choral music who possess solid reading or aural learning skills and the ability to work well in a group setting lead the singing and present choral pieces at the 10:45 Mass and other special Masses throughout the Church year. Rehearsals are on Thursday nights from 7-8:30 during the school year.
Instrumentalists: Skilled instrumentalists occasionally present a piece at Mass or another liturgy. Whether solo, as an offertory/communion meditation, or as part of accompanying the choir or praise team. Additionally, musicians of any skill level are invited to the informal “jam band” on Thursday evenings for fellowship in playing a variety of secular, but clean music.
All musicians are expected to adhere to a professional level of commitment in preparation and conduct. Just as God has given to us
richly, we will give back “Our utmost for His highest”
All parishioners who wish to serve the parish by sharing their musical gifts are encouraged to contact Music Director, Carter Stevens, to discern where they can best help lead the Parish in prayer!