Seton Lake Ridge Christmas Tag Tree Program begins this weekend! November 21st through December 6th.
To participate:
1 ) Take a tag from one of the trees and purchase the item that is indicated on the tag.
2) Wrap the item and securely attach the tag, with the information sheet still on it, to the package. We need the tags to ensure that the right person gets the gift.
3) Return the gift to Church and place it under one of the Christmas trees in the Narthex no later than Sunday, December 6th.
If you have taken a tag and are unable to purchase the gift, please return the tag, in an envelope addressed to Human Concerns, to the parish office no later than Monday, November 30th.
Please contact Betty Maher, Director of Human Concerns Outreach
at, 703.494.4008, ext. 145.
Thank you for your generosity!