Friday, May 8, 2020
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
at Seton Lake Ridge Parish Parking Lot

Help refill the shelves at the St. Lucy Project Food Warehouse in Manassas with your donations!  

With our current shelter-in-place order, the Governor has declared that food banks are an essential service. And the need for food to feed families in our communities is even greater now than ever. 

As you are permitted to shop for food for yourself, please remember the hungry and participate in one of St. Lucy Food Project’s NO CROWD—DROP AND GO — NO CONTACT Drive-Thru Food Drive.  

Parishioners will line up in their cars (NO CROWD), drive up to the St. Lucy Food truck parked in the parish parking lot, roll down their driver-side windows, DROP the plastic bag (no cloth bags please) in a large box without leaving their car, and then GO (drive off).  A St. Lucy staff will stay with the truck (NO CONTACT) and then drive the truck back to their warehouse for safe distribution to those in need.

No one will leave their car.  There will be no physical contact between the driver and the St. Lucy Staff.  

© 2025 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton | Lake Ridge, VA