You exist to share in God’s own life and Goodness, and to reveal that goodness to the world. We are here to help you do that: within your family, within your community, and within the world we find ourselves. Seeking to accompany people in every stage and circumstance of life, we offer opportunities and resources at the parish and in the community that will meet you wherever you are right now and will help you prepare for whatever God wills for you in the future.
If you are seeking more than what we currently offer, or want to get involved in one of our ministries, please don’t hesitate to contact us or stop by the parish office.
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Forming Domestic Churches: Celebrating and supporting the family as the first witnesses of the Gospel, and the parish as a family of families.
Vocation Discernment: God calls us to holiness in many ways: marriage; the priesthood; the religious life; consecrated
virginity. Learn more about these vocations and where God may be calling you!
Bereavement Ministry: We all carry wounds. Through Christ’s mercy and the support of each other, healing is possible.